Worship Service – January 9, 2022
worship bulletin Sunday January 16 2022
A new opportunity for adult Christian Education will begin Sunday, January 16, following worship. We’ll engage in a weekly video series called “Uncomfortable Conversations with a Black Man” and is described as “a safe place to have the uncomfortable conversations about race that many White people have never been able to have”. A discussion will be facilitated by Joanne Boyd. The video series is produced and hosted by Emmanuel Acho who is an author, a Fox Sports Analyst and television personality and a former NFL linebacker. He holds a master’s degree in Sports Psychology from the University of Texas. The first video is about 10 minutes long and serves as an introduction for the series, but also raises a number of hot-button topics that will lend themselves to deeper discussion. We will plan to watch the video together on Sundays, but the link is included here if you would like to view it ahead of time. The class will begin at 11:00 am, and you can join in person or by Zoom; the Zoom link will be sent out with the worship notes later this week. The zoom link for the class is separate from the worship link, so if you are viewing worship on Zoom, and wish to participate in the class, you will need to “leave” worship to “join” the class. Any questions can be directed to Denise Lewis.