Newsletter — April 4, 2023
Good Friday — April 7, 2023
Join us Sunday mornings for worship at 10:00 am, with the option of in-person or on-line worship. All are welcome!
You may also join us online:
Find worship live on Facebook at https://www.facebook.com/spiritoflifeav
Join us live on Zoom by clicking https://us02web.zoom.us/j/83600960782
You can stream the service later either on Facebook or on YouTube: https://youtube.com/channel/UC-G31isag0NKhIT0cat91qA
From Community Service— THANK YOU for your generous support of our MN FoodShare March campaign this year! We delivered 126 pounds of donated food and personal care items to the Rosemount Family Resource Center, and will be sending them a check for $720, which they can use to meet even more needs. What a wonderful way to support our surrounding community!
Children’s Sunday School meets from 9:30-10:15, upstairs in the SS room. Kids can Zoom in for Sunday School if they can’t attend in person. We could use a helper for each week. If you’re available, please reach out to Karen Johnson.
Meet in the Middle resumes this week, meeting Wednesdays at 4:30, including snacks, group guitar lessons for older kids /playing for younger kids, singing, Holy Moly video and lesson, and conclude with dinner for kids, youth and adults 6:00- 6:30 dinner. Monetary donations for dinner appreciated. If you’re unable to join in person, jump on zoom with this new link: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/85002502767.
Confirmation retreat at SOLPC will be Saturday, April 15th,10am to 10pm. Youth will complete their work through group and breakout sessions, wrapping up the day with a fun bowling event. Confirmand Recognition Sunday will be May 21st.
Prayer Shawl Ministry
We invite you to join us in making prayer shawls for members of our community who are in need of comfort. All are welcome regardless of knitting, crocheting, or sewing abilities. Join us in community and we will find a job for you. Our next meeting is today Tuesday, April 11th. At Rose McMurray’s home. We will be meeting the 2nd Tuesday every 3 months.
If you are unable to join us in person or if the date doesn’t work for you but you would still like to be a part of this ministry please let Rose know. If you are interested in joining us, please contact Rose McMurray.
You are invited to be a part of Spirit of Life’s Meal Ministry. We have a small group of volunteers who work with the Deacons to offer meals to those who are in need, are recovering from surgery or illness, have experienced a death in the family, or for whatever reason a meal is needed. We are looking for more volunteers to make meals–please consider joining us! Signing up does not commit you to always making a meal when one is needed. Rose will send out an email with dates that the meals are needed, and you can reply if one of the days works for you. Please contact us also if you or someone you know may benefit from this loving ministry. You can contact Rose McMurray.
The community service team would like to designate the first Sunday of every month as Little Free Pantry Sunday. As we remember the sacred Last Supper, let us also think of our neighbors in need of food support. This month, we continue to request items that are cold weather safe so please, NO CANS OR GLASS CONTAINERS. These items have been especially popular and have been taken quickly: pasta products, spaghetti sauce (plastic), white rice, jelly (plastic bottles only) peanut butter (plastic jars only), any items in boxes or pouches. Thanks so much for helping us feed our neighbors!
COFFEE and CONVERSATION Plan to join Pastor Rob and others for Coffee and Conversation Monday, April 17th, 9:30-10:30 am. Come as you are. This is a gathering online and in person. It is open for you to pop in and out any time so feel free to drop in and say hello. *Note, same time and same login, recurring meeting each week. Join Zoom Meeting at https://zoom.us/j/286584190. One tap mobile +13126266799, 286584190# +19292056099, 286584190#.
If you have a prayer request you wish to share with our Spirit Care Prayer Team, please email our deacon, Chris Sachs. Word it as you wish it to be submitted, and we will post it for our prayer team.
2023 Per Capita is $37.50