School Supplies
Worship Service — July 30, 2023
Launching a summer spiritual practice, courtesy of the Community Service Committee:
From mid-June through mid-September on Sundays following worship, you are invited to join members of the Community Service Committee outdoors for about an hour (weather permitting), working in the flower beds and vegetable gardens on our property. Weeding and harvesting produce can be meditative, prayerful, and when done with others can also provide fellowship time! We have a number of special events coming up this summer, so maintaining our flower beds in good shape will be important. Our garden is also getting off to a good start — we have raspberries set on that we will be picking by the end of June; beans, radishes, and cucumbers are growing, and little tomatoes are making an appearance, too! So, there will be a bounty to harvest for the food shelf in the near future. If you’d like to help, either wear your gardening clothes to church, or bring them to change in to; bring your gardening gloves and join our committee in celebrating God’s gifts to us! Questions can be directed to either Denise Lewis, or Loretta Hunt.