September 29, 2013

Sam’s Office

With this in mind, I welcome you to join me in Sam’s office. Have a seat, take your shoes off, and stay awhile. In the comfort and safety of someone you trust, after hearing this parable, we are asked why this is the most unfamiliar parable? It confronts us where it hurts. We are brought into the story because that is what parables do. This is what good story-telling does. And this story welcomes us into last weeks text that concludes, “You cannot serve God and wealth” followed immediately by, “The Pharisees, who were lovers of money…” And we change the story.
September 22, 2013


But now school has started again? The desire for routine sounds good…but wow, what a routine it is. Or the demands placed on us from work? Our families, aging parents, our children, struggles in a relationship… And we began looking back… we doubt, we struggle, we question… Following Jesus is not easy…Discipleship is not easy. It is hard to keep looking forward with anticipation of a promise when our feet grow weary. Can we stop and rest awhile? Or even, can we go back to the way it was painting a sensationalized picture of what it was…cause the future is hard…so we fall back.
September 15, 2013

Lost and Found

May we find ourselves at Spirit of life, a place that not only welcomes the lost, but a place that will turn our community upside down searching for—and a place that leaves its comfort zone to seek out one. Instead of a house of saints, a crystal cathedral, may we view ourselves more as the 80’s sitcom, Cheers. A place that welcomes, a place that calls you out by name: Norm!
September 12, 2013

Pastrix: Coffee and Nadia

“Nadia Bolz-Weber takes no prisoners as she reclaims the term “pastrix”(pronounced “pas-triks,” a term used by some Christians who refuse to recognize female pastors) in her […]
September 10, 2013

How Much???

Please allow me to stay here for a little bit. Each in it’s own right is good. Offering, a good sermon, eating together for a meal, being liked, a larger community—all good. The working out of our story together—a story that began here in 1996, is a good story. But may we always be reminded of our thesis? In our own lives—in our joys and happiness—may we be reminded of our thesis. In our struggles—our busyness—our families, children, wife, husband, may we be reminded of our thesis. A thesis that unites incarnation, crucifixion, and resurrection together asking how much?
September 1, 2013

I Must Be in The Front Row

“I must be in the front row”. I can relate to this. Not only do we find ourselves wanting to enjoy watching the game from the good seats, but we have this desire to impress those around us—because I am important.