January 7, 2018


After Phillip meets Jesus, he cannot help but want to share the same invitation. COME. Discipleship begins with showing up. It is in showing up, that Phillip learns about invitation to meet Jesus and he then shares the same invitation. I cannot help but think about when this first became real in the depths of my heart and I couldn’t help but want to share this with other people. I want you to meet Jesus. It is from meeting Jesus that Peter, then Philip, and now Nathanael cannot help but want you to come and see for yourself.
November 13, 2016

Here I Am

It was in the throngs of our own civil war when Abraham Lincoln was asked what side God was on. Please consider the division that led to this as brother had turned against brother, and sister against sister. Abraham Lincoln replied, “Sir, my concern is not whether God is on our side. My greatest concern is to be on God’s side. For God is always right! “
July 10, 2016

When Storms Come

I hear the voice of the servant that comes running to share the unimaginable. I hear the voice this week as we receive the news in our own community as Philando Castile is shot dead in a scenario where the hedge was breached a long time ago—and life lost through the hands of the one who was to be the protector. I hear the voice from the little girl in the backseat who tries to comfort her mommy saying, “It’s okay. I’m right here with you.” I hear the voice in the cries of the young son of Alton Sterling. I hear the voice as I see the scene unfold the shots begin to ring out—and as the protestors run for shelter, the police officers courageously run towards the gunfire. Protecting those protesting them. Protecting, twelve were shots and five died.
June 19, 2016

One Pulse

How are we to respond? Let us look for the rainbow. The beauty that is in all of the colors—distinct, vibrant, and beauty in each individual color. While the colors may blend as one gets close to the other, each is distinct.
February 26, 2016

How Long Will You Go On Limping With Two Different Opinions?

When I was first learning to ski—worse than the trying to learn how to stop—which for a long while was an uncontrollable fall-- was getting off the ski lift-- For at the same time my feet were beginning to touch solid ground, but my seat was planted firmly in the safety of a solid—yet moving bench… In there was that moment—that required transferring trust from my firmly planted seat—to my unconfident feet that were going to have to immediately go down a ramp--- I remember the first time—in my hesitation—I couldn’t do it… and now I was back in the sky-- with all yelling at me—and I jumped…