Newsletter — September 6, 2022
Newsletter — September 20, 2022
Join us Sunday mornings for worship at 10:00 am, with the option of in-person or on-line worship. masks optional for all activities in the church building, including worship. All are welcome!
You may also join us online:
Find worship live on Facebook at
Join us live on Zoom by clicking
You can stream the service later either on Facebook or on YouTube:
COFFEE and CONVERSATION Join Pastor Rob and others on Mondays, 9:20-11:00am. CC is available in person at the church and via zoom. Come as you are. This is a gathering online and in person. It is open for you to pop in and out any time so feel free to drop in and say hello. *Note, same time and same login, recurring meeting each week. Join Zoom Meeting at
One tap mobile +13126266799,,286584190# +19292056099,,286584190#
GriefShare Program Meets Thursdays, 6:30 pm at Spirit of Life Church, Apple Valley. This program features biblical, Christ-centered teaching that focuses on grief topics associated with the death of a loved one. The seminar features nationally respected grief experts and real-life stories of people, followed by a small group discussion about what was viewed. Past participants have related how helpful the information and follow-up discussions were to them. Many grieving people find they are only beginning the work of healing when friends or family have returned to their daily life routines. Too often people, including Christians, tend to bury their grief instead of allowing it to do the God-given work for which it is intended. Don’t allow fear of what others may think to keep you from what could help you. Confidentiality is very much a part of this program. Please contact Bob Shepard or Jacqui Hicks for more information or to sign up.
Back to Church Fall Schedule:
Children’s Sunday School will start Sept. 18 and go through Dec. 18th from 9:30-10:15, upstairs in the SS room. Curriculum is Spill the Beans, theme is Colors of the Covenant. There will be one class with a teacher and a helper. We will have a laptop in class so that kids can Zoom in for SS if they can’t attend in person. We won’t have classes on Oct. 23 (MEA weekend), Nov. 27 (Thanksgiving weekend), Dec 25. (Christmas weekend) or Jan. 1 (New Year’s weekend).
Confirmation Class will be for 7th and 8th graders, on the 2nd Sunday of the month after church beginning October 9th. It will be held every 2 years. Talk with Pastor Rob to get your 7th & 8th graders enrolled.
M&M will begin Wednesday, October 5th, and go for 7 weeks. Curriculum will be Holy Moly. Time together will begin at 4:30 and include snacks, group guitar lessons for older kids /playing for younger kids, singing, Holy Moly video and lesson, and conclude with dinner for kids, youth and adults 6:00- 6:30 dinner. Monetary donations for dinner appreciated. M&M – Please sign up on the sheet in the back of the sanctuary to provide a snack and/or dessert for M&M. If you have questions, please see Loretta Hunt.
South of the River CROP Hunger Walk, October 2! St. James Lutheran Church in Burnsville. This is a BIG deal this year, because it is the 10th Annual Walk, and Spirit of Life has been a strong supporter for all of those years: We’ve hosted 3 times, we always field a good-sized team and do some awesome fundraising, and we are actively engaged in the planning of this event every year. How can YOU get involved?
Consider joining the team! By joining the team, you are agreeing to either fund-raise, walk, or both. Here is the link that will take you to the Spirit of Life team page: By clicking on this link, you can join the team, or donate to the team. To donate, you can also make out a check to Spirit of Life, with “CROP Walk” in the memo line. More details can be found at the CROP Walk display at the back of the sanctuary. If you bought a t-shirt, plan to wear your shirt every Sunday in September to promote the walk.
Participate in the food drive, by picking up a plastic bag at the back of the sanctuary at the CROP Walk display, and return it filled with non-perishable food items by October 2.
Support the multi-church bake sale on the day of the Walk, at St. James Lutheran Church, from 1:00 to 1:45 pm. BAKERS! You can support this part of the walk by providing some of your favorite baked goods to sell! Please sign up to let Denise know what you might provide. EATERS! You can support this part of the walk by coming to check out the bake sale on October 2 and purchasing what looks good to you; cash only, or checks made out to CWS/CROP; items will be priced in increments of $5. There are 4 churches and one neighborhood group selling their baked goods, all in support of the CROP Walk. You don’t have to walk to support the South of the River CROP Walk — you can browse the bake sale or provide baked goods to sell. Sign-up sheet for bakers at the CROP Walk display.
Second Harvest Heartland will receive 25% of our total fundraising effort. If you have any questions, talk to Denise Lewis.
From Community Service: Garden Update: by the end of this week, we will have delivered over 900 pounds of produce to RFRC! There’s a chance we may go over 1,000 pounds for the year, for the first time ever.
Our Little Free Pantry continues to be of great service to our hungry neighbors. We would appreciate donations to keep our cupboard full. Preferred items at this time include jars of spaghetti sauce, any pasta, bags of plain white rice, any canned vegetables or fruits, peanut butter, jelly, canned tuna, Spam, dry milk. These items and any other non-perishables can be placed in the driveway pantry or left in the cabinet inside the front door to the church. Members of the Community Service committee will refill items when needed and thank you very much for your support and donations. We can make a difference in preventing hunger in our neighborhood!
The Justice Works borrowing bookshelf is up and running, so check it out.
“Change for change” bucket offering this Sunday, September 18! Some are familiar with this, others may have questions. With the help of our children, we will continue collecting change in our metal buckets but going forward we’ll give on a monthly basis. Throughout the month, collect your change and bring it on the third Sunday! This is a great teaching tool to help us show each other and the younger generation how fun it is to give when we hear the change drop in the buckets!
If you have a prayer request you wish to share with our Spirit Care Prayer Team, please email our deacon, Chris Sachs. Word it as you wish it to be submitted, and we will post it for our prayer team.
2022 Per Capita is $36.50