Sunday worship bulletin February 5, 2023
Newsletter — January 31, 2023
Join us Sunday mornings for worship at 10:00 am, with the option of in-person or on-line worship. All are welcome!
You may also join us online:
Find worship live on Facebook at
Join us live on Zoom by clicking
You can stream the service later either on Facebook or on YouTube:
Annual Meeting after worship January 29, 2023.
The positions to be elected at the 2023 congregational meeting are:
Session class of 2026: 1
Deacon class of 2025: 1 (plus 1 open seat in 2024)
Printed copies of the Annual report are available at the church.
Legacy Giving Workshop: Composing a Legacy
How you will tell the story of God’s grace and love—not just today, but for generations to come? From wills and bequests to life income plans, this workshop will introduce tools you can use to craft your faith legacy. Presented by: The Rev. Kyle Nolan, Ministry Relations Officer, Presbyterian Foundation. January 29 at approx. 11:30am (immediately following the annual meeting) we will have a light lunch provided for those attending in person and presentation in a hybrid format via Zoom and in-person in the sanctuary.
Session and Stewardship Committee Retreat with Rev. Kyle Nolan is Saturday, January 28, 1-4pm, in the SOLPC conference room.
Children’s Sunday School meets from 9:30-10:15, upstairs in the Sunday School room. Kids can Zoom in for Sunday School if they can’t attend in person. We could use a helper for each week. If you’re available, please reach out to Karen Johnson.
Meet in the Middle meets Wednesdays. Time together begins at 4:30 and includes snacks, group guitar lessons for older kids /playing for younger kids, singing, Holy Moly video and lesson, and conclude with dinner for kids, youth and adults 6:00- 6:30 dinner. Monetary donations for dinner appreciated. If you’re unable to join in person, jump on zoom with this new link:
THANK YOU everyone who has provided snacks and desserts! We are still in need of people to prepare meals. If you can help, please sign the chart in back of sanctuary or contact Loretta.
Confirmation Class will be for 7th and 8th graders, on the 2nd Sunday of the month after church. Next class is February 12th. Note: we will also plan for a retreat in March or April. Parents, please mark your calendars: Confirmation retreat at SOLPC will be Saturday, April 15th, and Recognition Sunday will be May 21st.
COFFEE and CONVERSATION Plan to join Pastor Rob and others on Mondays, 9:20-11:00am. CC is available in person at the church and via zoom. Come as you are. This is a gathering online and in person. It is open for you to pop in and out any time so feel free to drop in and say hello. *Note, same time and same login, recurring meeting each week. Join Zoom Meeting at One tap mobile +13126266799,,286584190# +19292056099,,286584190#
GriefShare Program Starting Thursday, Feb 2, 2023 class begins at 6:30 pm at Spirit of Life Church, Apple Valley. This program features biblical, Christ-centered teaching that focuses on grief topics associated with the death of a loved one. The DVD seminar features nationally respected grief experts and real-life stories of people, followed by a small group discussion about what was viewed. Past participants have related how helpful the information and follow-up discussions were to them. Many grieving people find they are only beginning the work of healing when friends or family have returned to their daily life routines. Too often people, including Christians, tend to bury their grief instead of allowing it to do the God-given work for which it is intended. Don’t allow fear of what others may think to keep you from what could help you. Confidentiality is very much a part of this program. Please contact Bob Shepard or Jacqui Hicks for more information or to sign up.
Our condolences…
Matt Hope passed away Monday, January 16. Matt had celebrated his 99th birthday at church recently. Please pray for Mary Hope and family. In addition, Spirit of Life also lost another member. Bruce Jacobson died on January 19th. He was 80 years old. A Celebration of Life will be at Grace Nazarene Church on February 5th at 4:00 PM. Irene shares an invitation for everyone to come and say goodbye. Please pray for Irene Jacobson and family. Hold close all that you love as we know of the love of God our Father who welcomes Matt and Bruce home.
Have you been considering becoming a member? We will be offering a class in the coming weeks so let us know and we will include you! Send a quick email to the office at [email protected] or see Pastor Rob after worship and let him know!
The Justice Works committee is organizing a guided group tour of the Shakopee Mdewakanton Sioux Community’s public exhibit called Mdewakanton: Dwellers of Spirit Lake. To schedule a guided tour, we need a minimum of 20 participants, and this is a family-friendly event. Admission for children under 5 is free, K-12 and over age 65 admission is $5; all others, $8. We are looking at either Saturday February 18 or Saturday April 15. Please sign up on the sheet at the back of the sanctuary, indicating which day you prefer and how many people want to attend. If you have any questions, please contact Denise Lewis. Here is a link for more information:
If you have a prayer request you wish to share with our Spirit Care Prayer Team, please email our deacon, Chris Sachs. Word it as you wish it to be submitted, and we will post it for our prayer team.
2023 Per Capita is $37.50