Fall Kickoff Sunday – Sept 17, 2023
Worship Service – September 10, 2023
Walk. Give. Change the world.
South of the River CROP Hunger Walk is coming up on October 1! Again hosted by St. James Lutheran Church, 3650 Williams Drive, Burnsville.
This is the 11th Annual Walk, and Spirit of Life has been a strong supporter for all of those years: We’ve hosted 3 times, we always field a good-sized team and do some awesome fundraising, and we are actively engaged in the planning of this event every year.
How can YOU get involved?
- Consider joining the team! By joining the team, you are agreeing to either fund-raise, walk, or both. Here is the link that will take you to the Spirit of Life team page: 2023 Crop Walk By clicking on this link, you can join the team, or donate to the team. To donate by check, make your checks out to “Spirit of Life”, with CROP Walk on the memo line, and put in the offering plate. More details can be found at the CROP Walk display at the back of the sanctuary.
- Participate in the food drive, by picking up a bag at the back of the sanctuary at the CROP Walk display, and return it filled with non-perishable food items by October 1.
- The multi-church bake sale is back! Browse a great selection of baked goods on the day of the Walk, at St. James Lutheran Church, from 1:00 to 1:45 pm. All sales support the CROP Walk; cash or checks (made out to to CWS/CROP) only. You can browse the bake sale or provide baked goods to sell. Sign-up sheet at the CROP Walk display.
- Order a pie! Open Circle Church is making their take & bake frozen Swedish apple pies again this year, and are taking pre-orders until September 20! Complete this google form to order: Pie Orders