Worship Service – September 15, 2024

Meet in the Middle
12th Annual South of the River CROP Hunger Walk
The 12th Annual South of the River CROP Hunger Walk is coming, and Spirit of Life is hosting!
Spirit of Life has been a huge and reliable supporter of CROP Hunger Walks, going back 14 years — we started by attending St. Paul based Walks, until we joined with other like-minded congregations to establish the South of the River Walk.
This is always a big event, and there are many ways to participate:
- You can join the team, or donate to the team: https://events.
crophungerwalk.org/cropwalks/ team/spirit-of-life- presbyterian-church-2 To donate by check, make your check out to "Spirit of Life” with “CROP Walk” on the memo line. - We will have a bake sale again on that day, so you can contribute baked goods, purchase baked goods, or volunteer to help at the sale. Sign up sheets are at the CROP Walk display; there is a volunteer sign up, and also a bake sale sign up to indicate what may be providing. There are also guidelines for how to package your offerings, so pick up one of those sheets, too.
- We will have a food drive, with all donations going to the Rosemount Resource Center.
- We will host a free meal for the community (hot dogs, fruit, and chips), so you can join us for the meal, or help with organizing and serving that meal.
- Join in the pre-walk festivities, with live music provided by Steve Braden and friends.
- Volunteer to help on Walk day! Volunteer sign-up sheet is on the table at the CROP Walk display.
Details: Sunday, October 6. Free community meal, bake sale, and live music from 12:30 - 2:00 pm, and the Walk from 2:00 - 4:30 pm ( about 3 miles, with a 1 mile option). For questions, see Denise Lewis.