December 29, 2013

Is That All?

It was around the dinner table our last Christmas gathering, my sister shares the story of her kids and her Christmas most embarrassing moment. My sister carries the majority of the seven nine-year-olds with four of them being hers. It really is a blessing after many years of wanting to children, God blessed them with quadruplets—and they are four healthy and beautiful children. Much to be thankful for. But kids are kids, and we have all had moments that she shared from the Christmas when a dear friend brings gifts for each of the children, and upon opening the presents—the reply from all four was, “Is that all” while in the awkward pause “where’s the big gift?” That kind of sums it up, Is that all? All the anticipation, preparation, and we find ourselves hoping for something more? That’s it?
December 24, 2013

And He Appears!

In our journeys—going to our families, our families visiting us—may we make room—As it was time—far away from home, Mary sought shelter. Along with many others who traveled for the census—having traveled myself with someone with child—it is not as efficient. There are more stops along the way. And as they rode in to Bethlehem—coming home, the need to find shelter was great, but there was no room. For Mary and Joseph, it didn’t go as planned. I can imagine the conversation, ‘Joseph, didn’t you call ahead?’
December 22, 2013

Ripeness of Time

So often, the gift we need is so different than the gift we want. Shoot, if we left it up to our own hearts desire—it would kind of look like my Facebook feed. And my Facebook feed—well, it is need of being fed something different than its current eating habits. We too often find our patterns—our truth statements through a one dimensional lens. It is this, or that. In this one dimensional world, truth is reduced to absolute certainty.
December 15, 2013

Beginnings of a New Thing

Do you ever have moments where you find life is interrupted?  These interruptions are life.  We are surrounded by them.  Turn on the evening news, or […]
December 15, 2013

Prepare the Way: Advent Day 15

Isaiah 40:1-5 “In the wilderness prepare the way of the Lord.”  How exactly does one prepare the way of the Lord?  At first glance, it appears […]
December 13, 2013

The Magnificat: Advent Day 13

Luke 1: 39-56 Today’s reading is known as the Magnificat, or Mary’s Song.  This is a song of praise and a song of hope.  What does […]