Sunday worship bulletin May 22, 2022
Newsletter — May 10, 2022
Join us Sunday mornings for worship at 10:00 am, with the option of in-person or on-line worship. masks optional for all activities in the church building, including worship! All are welcome.
You may also join us online:
Find worship live on Facebook at
Join us live on Zoom by clicking
You can stream the service later either on Facebook or on YouTube:
We will be having a youth group fundraising Cabaret this Saturday, May 7. See a youth group member for tickets!
Are you able to donate a gift certificate, a creative idea such as pie-of-the month, or a gift basket? We need all items by end of day Wednesday at church, or an email with specifics to Becky Brandt. We need everything early because with multiple seatings for the Cabaret this year, we are fully doing this as a week-long online auction beginning this coming Monday.
Auction will run online only 4/30/22 at 12pm thru 5/7/22 at 6pm
Contact Becky Brandt with donation offers or questions.
Cabaret Auction site is now live!! Auction will run online only 4/30/22 at 12pm thru 5/7/22 at 6pm. See instructions for online auction at http://file:///C:/Users/Office/OneDrive%20-%20Spirit%20of%20Life%20Presbyterian%20Church/Documents/Documents/MINISTRY%20TEAMS/Valentine%20er%20Mothers%20day%20Cabaret%202022/browser-how-to-solcabaret%20(1).pdf
Contact Becky Brandt with questions.
News from Christian Education Committee:
– On Sunday, May 8th during the morning worship service, we will honor our Graduates!
– On Sunday, May 15th during the morning worship service we will recognize Sunday School and M&M kids, youth, teachers, and leaders! Please join us in person or online.
Children’s Sunday School classes meet 9:30 – 10:15 a.m. There will be a PreK – 2nd grade class and a 3rd-5th grade class. We will bring the children back to the sanctuary for the Children’s sermon at 10:15 and then the children can sit with their parents during the rest of the service.
Saturday, May 7, is our outdoor clean-up of the church grounds from 9:00 am – 12:00 noon. Everyone is welcome, and we will have some Boy Scouts helping out, too. Please bring a water bottle, work gloves (extras, if you have them), garden tools — and maybe even some sun screen! We will be cutting back the deadheads in the flower beds, weeding, and gathering up branches, sticks, and garbage. If you have any questions, please contact Denise Lewis at [email protected]
Membership Class: Pastor Rob is leading the New Member class that meets again this coming Sunday, May 8, at 11:15am. NOTE: New Members will meet online briefly with Session Monday evening, May 9th, at 6:30pm. We’ll be receiving the new members in worship on Sunday, May 15.
Attention Members: We will have an abbreviated Congregational Meeting immediately following worship on Sunday, May 15.
Hi everyone! The Outreach team is looking for assistance with updating our website content. If you’d be willing to take photos, write website content, or even suggest ideas for how to make our website better, please contact Mary Brause.
GriefShare Program meets Thursdays, 6:30 pm at Spirit of Life Church. This program features biblical, Christ-centered teaching that focuses on grief topics associated with the death of a loved one. The DVD seminar features nationally respected grief experts and real-life stories of people, followed by a small group discussion about what was viewed. Past participants have related how helpful the information and follow-up discussions were to them. Many grieving people find they are only beginning the work of healing when friends or family have returned to their daily life routines. Too often people, including Christians, tend to bury their grief instead of allowing it to do the God-given work for which it is intended. Don’t allow fear of what others may think to keep you from what could help you. Confidentiality is very much a part of this program. Please contact Bob Shepard or Jacqui Hicks for more information or to sign up.
If you are looking for ways to help the people of Ukraine, here are a couple of effective organizations that are working to bring relief:
– Church World Service, which sponsors CROP Walks, also works in the areas of disaster relief and refugee resettlement and is actively responding in the Ukraine crisis. You can read about their efforts and donate here
– Presbyterian Disaster Assistance is also actively involved, and you can read about their response here
NOTE: Updated hours (based on Pastor Rob offering in-person option). Meet with Pastor Rob for Coffee and Conversation Mondays, from 9:20 am to 11:00 am. Come as you are. This is a gathering online and in person. It is open for you to pop in and out any time so feel free to drop in and say hello. *Note, same time and same login, recurring meeting each week. Join Zoom Meeting at
One tap mobile +13126266799,,286584190# +19292056099,,286584190#
If you have a prayer request you wish to share with our Spirit Care Prayer Team, please email the office at [email protected] AND Pastor Rob at [email protected]. Word it as you wish it to be submitted, and we will post it for our prayer team.
From Community Service: Our LITTLE FREE PANTRY has been of great use to our neighbors and is in need of frequent replenishment! We can now resume contributing canned items as well as other non-perishables. Donations may be left in the little pantry or in the cabinet inside the church entry. Many thanks for your wonderful support of our pantry and neighbors!
2022 Per Capita is $36.50