September 10, 2013

How Much???

Please allow me to stay here for a little bit. Each in it’s own right is good. Offering, a good sermon, eating together for a meal, being liked, a larger community—all good. The working out of our story together—a story that began here in 1996, is a good story. But may we always be reminded of our thesis? In our own lives—in our joys and happiness—may we be reminded of our thesis. In our struggles—our busyness—our families, children, wife, husband, may we be reminded of our thesis. A thesis that unites incarnation, crucifixion, and resurrection together asking how much?
September 1, 2013

I Must Be in The Front Row

“I must be in the front row”. I can relate to this. Not only do we find ourselves wanting to enjoy watching the game from the good seats, but we have this desire to impress those around us—because I am important.
August 25, 2013

Bent Out of Shape

Can you picture, this woman has been bent over for eighteen years. The days grow long, walking—slowly. Walking, looking down and her worn feet. Try walking in these shoes for eighteen long years. What do you see through these eyes?
August 15, 2013

Newsletter for August 2013

Thank you to everyone for your support in investing in our youth. This trip truly will continue to pay dividends in building a closer and stronger youth group. I […]